what we’re all about

Strength - in muscles, joints, mind, and spirit - is the foundation from which everything else is built to maximize capacity during workouts, keep the body resilient and injury free,  and enjoy everyday life.  We believe in quality over quantity (in all things!) and that following an intentionally programmed path to lasting results may take time but will trump quick fix-promising, short-term fads every time.

We believe that…

  • There is no magic bullet, sorry (not sorry).

  • Getting your heart rate up is for heart health, not calorie burn.

  • Caloric balance comes from nutrition, not from fad diets or doing 1000 burpees. 

  • Balance (physical and with life skills!) is key and often under-trained or completely neglected.

  •  Mobility is more important than flexibility (if you don't know what that means please come in and find out, it will change your world). 

  • Cypress is a safe, inclusive space for ANYone and EVERYone who isn't an asshole - we are here to change lives.

Meet the owner - Brian Adams

I have always had a passion for wellness, movement and the spectacular things of which the human body is capable.  I believe in balance in mind/body/spirit and that EVERYone has an inner athlete and has the potential to change their lives through movement.  I have played soccer all of my life;  I discovered Shaolin Martial Arts in 1998 and teaching Kung Fu and Tai Chi classes kick-started (all puns intended) a desire to help people integrate movement and healthy living habits into their daily lives.  I personally enjoy free weight training with barbells and kettlebells as well as Bulgarian bags, steel mace, landmines, body weight, TRX… really anything fun to challenge the body in different ways!  I believe in the transformative power of staying active and want you to discover everything you are capable of without any judgments!  I believe in picking heavy things up.  I believe in making sure my clients are resilient to injury through quality movements and  mobility training to stay pain free.  I want to help you discover and reach your goals and help you change your life.  I think you are awesome and I only succeed when you succeed!

Credientials: BS Biology, AFAA CPT,, FRCms/KinStretch (that’s mobility y’all) IKFF CKT1 (that’s kettlebells y’all), PPSC (Pain Free Performance Specialist), 3rd degree Black Belt – Shaolin Do Kung Fu, 1st degree Black Sash – Shaolin Do Tai Chi, Precision Nutrition Certified Level 1 Coach

Locations and Partners


The Landing Zone

625 Celeste St. Suite 404
New Orleans, LA 70130

at this location: FLEX, open gym, personal training


Movement Collective

3921 St. Claude Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70117

at this location: personal training only